Hell has a special place for dirty rats like Stanko the Toydarian and I am going to make a point of sending him there a little earlier than he had hoped. That is if I ever go back to that dirt bucket planet. My last entry was cut abruptly short by the white clad Imperial henchmen known as Storm Troopers. As I suspected the subject of the entry was the culprit behind my revealed identity. As I said, he was a revolting creature. If it weren’t for the fact that I want to do it myself I would wish that Jabba the Hutt would wring his wretched little neck for bringing the Empire to his little corner of the galaxy. Anyway, survival first, vindication later and then maybe some rest will come afterwards.
Rather than finishing out my previous entry in detail, I will summarize. Stanko’s rudeness didn’t abate throughout the course of our conversation. He did offer to purchase my Lambda Shuttle. Naturally he lowballed me. I wouldn’t expect anything less, but the price he offered was just plain insulting. I mean, my father risked life and limb to save me by stealing it and to be offered a paltry eight thousand credits, ugh. He must’ve thought me a fool, until of course he revealed his diabolical plan to get me to take the price. Here he was trying to get his hands on a shuttle, which had to have belonged to a Grand Admiral given the level of luxury, for a song to resell it for a mint. Yeah and he was going to use my history and desire to remain unfound as a bargaining chip. Now you know how that went. I gave him a verbal what-for and sent him on his way after managing to resist the urge to vaporize him on the spot. A real sense of power comes to me when I get angry like that. It can be quite tough to subdue.
Come to find out, after putting my ear to the ground to help escape the Imperial agents, he had already done the deed and was hoping to make a little cash as well. Turns out he had a vendetta against Clone Troopers and decided to take it out on me. It’s a good thing I didn’t sell the ship otherwise I would be stuck on that hole of a planet as some sort of hermit living out in the vast desert. I am glad it didn’t come to that.
No, I made it off that rock and found my way to the most stunning moon. I am not sure what it’s called but it’s pretty much covered by forest. There are some skittish little furry critters that hide in the bushes and jabber a lot. I don’t always see them, but I can feel them around me all the time. It feels as if they are constantly watching me. Regardless, it really is pretty here. When I got here it appeared that I was the only form of life on this planet with advanced technology. A little exploring laid that idea to rest. The Empire is here too. I see them moving throughout the forest. They have a big dish being constructed, a reinforced bunker and a fairly large detachment of troops. They clearly aren’t here for me though so I’m not too worried.
While I was working my way back to my ship on Tatooine I met up with another Force user out in the desert. He seemed very familiar to me, but I couldn’t place it. Still, he was amazingly helpful. He taught me something he called the Jedi Mind Trick and oh my do I love it. If I ever make it back to Rori I am so going to mess with people. I already got a Storm Trooper to turn his helmet around backwards and take off running as fast as he could. And they call what they wear, armor, HA! He got flat cold cocked when he ran into that wall. The longer I think about the things I want to do with my new found powers, the bigger my smile gets. Perhaps being Force Sensitive really isn’t that bad. Other than being hunted by Emperor Palpatine’s forces, it’s pretty cool. The old guy even gave me a “schematic” for making my own lightsaber and oh how I want one. I use the term schematic loosely as it is really just a sketched technical drawing on the back of a cantina napkin. Hey, I didn’t have anything else to write on at the time.
My father told me about lightsabers though I have never actually seen one in person. He described them as a laser sword that could deflect blaster bolts and cut through nearly any know material in the galaxy. How handy would that be when running for your life? Of course I am looking at this schematic and while most of this stuff is fairly easy to come across, like durasteel, I have no idea where I am going to get other things. For instance, where does one find a crystal imbued with the power of The Force? And then I have to somehow tune it with my own resonance? You have got to be kidding me. I think it might be awhile before I can actually make one. I did find other advanced people on the planet too. They appeared very sophisticated and extremely dangerous. But perhaps if I could find my way into their supplies I could find some of the things I need. Admittedly I have become more brazen after my Krayt Dragon incident.
The strangest thing also happened the other day. I was walking through the forest and got snagged up in some snare trap that the little furry guys set to catch dinner. It snapped around my ankle with ferocity and whipped me up into the air after dragging my head fifteen feet across the forest floor like some kind of terrestrial broom. Boy was I pissed. Remember how I said I could feel power rising in me when I got mad? Yeah that happened as I dangled, inverted, a few feet above the ground. As I wallowed in my anger and self-pity I could feel my hands actually getting hot. I was looking at them and sneezed and wouldn’t you know it, lightning shot out of my finger tips and crashed into the tree branch supporting the snare line. It was shocking (pun most definitely intended).
The fall wasn’t so bad, nor was the landing; it was only a few feet. It was the tree branch landing on me that really smarted. The lightning severed the branch from the tree, which, in accordance with the laws of gravity, managed to find its way across my mid-section. Don’t worry; I’m not peeing blood anymore.
I have been trying to figure out how to make the lightning work again, but to no avail. I will keep practicing as it’s way cooler than just moving stuff around with The Force. Of course that’s not to say that moving stuff around with The Force is bad. It keeps me fed without having to make traps. I just walk up to the river and with a flick of the wrist, I have fish for dinner. I even had a pig roast the other night. There are boars in the woods that are as tasty as can be. Still, that lightning, that stuff was something else. Now if I could only choke someone with my mind. Yeah, then my powers would be complete. Wow, I sounded eerily like Emperor Palpatine there. I better reel that in. After all I don’t want to be one his to command like my father was before me.
The last interesting thing about this place is something I found just this morning. I was, as usual, walking through the forest (not much else to do here) and got a compulsion to head over towards the mountains. I can’t explain it. It was almost like something was calling me. I started following it and it led me along like the smell of fresh meat does a Wookiee. It took the bulk of the day but here I sit at the mouth of what appears to be a ginormous cave. I must go in. The feeling is too intense not to. I figured that before I wandered in, I should at least complete this entry. Perhaps if I get stuck in some crevasse that someone reading this might find me before I croak. That being said, in I go. If I make it back out alive, I will be sure and post my findings and what was so compelling about the cave.