It hurts very badly, but I have found that the hurt in turn fuels my connection to The Force which then allows me to drive further than I ever thought was possible. It’s a cycle that seems to be perpetual, but the fact is that one’s capacity for drawing upon The Force wears out and the result is an exhaustion induced collapse. I am just beginning my recovery from said collapse. I can feel the difference in me though. The depth of my connection to the proverbial energy source has been revealed to me and it is much greater than I had previously imagined. As a result my body is getting honed as well. Drawing upon The Force to complete my tasks is only a part of it. Through The Force my mind and body are being sharpened into a precise instrument of pure power. It is nothing like the Jedi as my father described them.
As challenging as it is, I am finding great reward in my training. It goes beyond the shaping of my mind and body. My connection to The Force is growing. I am growing closer to being able to fully give in to The Force. For short bursts, I can let go and it will take over making me a tool of its will. It reminds me of my run in with the leather chickens. Except now I understand it. The Nightsisters tell me that as my skills improve and grow more precise, so it will be when I give myself to The Force. They say that it will allow The Force to guide me in doing things that I could not do without it, but that my skill and training will allow me to impose a conscious control over the precision of everything that is happening. I am not sure what it all means, but it sounds really amazing.
Speaking of precision that is something I definitely need to work on. It’s the opposite of what I have been raised to believe. I large boulder is much harder to physically move than a grain of sand. But that is not how it is with The Force. I can blast around all manner of large objects with little to no effort, but when I try to use my power to pluck an insect from a rock I find myself clumsy and unable to complete the exercise. I will continue practicing until I get it though. I am nothing if not determined.
Lightning… Oh I can’t forget the lightning. My dear mother has been giving me private lessons in my lightning use. It’s only now that I realize that my previous attempts were sad and paltry. I haven’t come half way to using it at my mother’s level and already it has increased ten-fold. Instead of a couple of paltry, low-powered bolts, I am now able to emit a small storm of crackling, pulsing energy at will. I hope that someday I will be able to destroy swoop bikes on a whim like my mother and her “sisters.”
Funny story now that I think about it. I was out on a training exercise with a couple of Protectors who were teaching me the finer points of pole arm combat. We had tracked our quarry to an area that was fairly close to one of the outposts for science expeditions and brave adventurers. While we were there we heard the unmistakable sounds of several approaching swoop bikes. The Nightsisters don’t take kindly to strangers (or anybody really) encroaching on their territory. They sent me off beyond a ridge to watch and learn. Three swoop bikes came racing over the top of the hill we were on and right into the Protector’s trap. Lightning flashed from their fingertips and bikes exploded throwing their riders into the dirt.
There were three of them a gigantic wookiee with an egg-shaped head, a bald human in his boxers, and another human with a Mohawk. The look of confusion on their faces when they got hit was priceless. I had no idea wookiees had the ability to show such expression on their faces. The bald one was shouting profanities faster than I can swing a lightsaber and the one with the Mohawk had a look of malice in his eyes that could freeze a lesser man’s blood, at least until he saw what caused the accident. Upon realizing what had happened, they turned and burst into a sprint. Clearly confused, they ran the opposite way of the outpost. I followed my teachers as they pursued the running, screaming trio into the depths of the Dathomirian forests before breaking off pursuit.
When I finally caught up, the Protectors were heading back my way laughing hysterically. It seemed the wookiee left a trail of droppings as he ran. The bald human, apparently somewhat drunk tripped over a log and face planted into a pile of rancor dung and the one with the Mohawk looked back to see if they were still being pursued and ran right into a tree and got stuck. To top it all off, they had gone right into the territory of a rancor even bigger than my mother’s ride, one that the Nightsisters call “The Ancient.”
Well, it’s time for me to bathe in some Bacta so I can resume my training sooner rather than later. That stuff is great. It will reduce my recovery time from a couple of weeks to a couple of days. I am anxious to get back to my training. I really want to learn more skills with weapons so that I can apply them to my lightsaber combat. It’s still my favorite thing about having the powers that I have.
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