Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Son of a Clone Trooper - Settling In

Well, I’ve been here on the Smuggler’s Moon for a few months and nothing eventful has happened like the last few places as of yet.  I got a job refereeing at the local Huttball tournaments.  It’s a strange job to have as there are no rules other than how to score.  But hey it pays well, and my enhanced reflexes allow me to dodge the occasional errant blaster bolt when a contestant has had enough of his or her opponent.  It also helps when I call off a goal and a player takes exception to it.  All-in-all it’s pretty tame compared to my other adventures though.  Did I mention it pays well?  Yeah, I got a nice apartment and made a few friends.  At first I thought about trying to use a different identity, but then I thought, who knows me anyway?  I’m even thinking about selling the shuttle, though the idea of not being able to make a quick escape is scary.

I was so ignorant about different places in the galaxy when I first set out.  The idea of even being in the vicinity of the criminal underworld would have repulsed me but now, some are my friends.  Take this Corellian smuggler (omitting his name to protect his anonymity) I met a few weeks ago.  He’s the kind of scoundrel that I wouldn’t have even thought of associating with back on Rori.  He appears trigger happy and very self centered, yet that really isn’t the case.  He has a wookiee companion that he risked his life to rescue from slavery.  That doesn’t sound like a selfish person to me.  He’s also pretty funny, albeit a bit cynical.  We were hanging out quite a bit until recently.  He had to make some major preparations to his ship for a job for someone on Tatooine (I really hate that place).  I am sure I will see him when he gets back though.  He was telling me about this little Twi’lek dance club in the Corellian district.

Speaking of alien species; this place is a haven for all sorts of species.  I never thought I would end up living in such a diverse locale.  There’s everything here from Bothans to Wookiees.  It’s a real treat for the most part.  It’s a good thing the Empire avoids this place for the most part.  Their intolerance for non-humans would probably make for some uncomfortable confrontations.  The only way they are here is unofficially.  For instance I had to ref a Huttball game between a Stormtrooper squad and a team of Slavers the other night.  That was messy and I am glad I am not the one who had to clean it up.

Oh and on a side note.  If you can use the Force, then stay away from the booze.  Man that stuff really messes with the decision making process.  I got a bit “tipsy” drinking Corellian Ale the other night and I guess I was being quite the prankster.  Using the Force to pull people’s chairs out just as they were about to sit down, holding the fluid in the glass when someone went to take a drink, tying shoelaces together and the occasional wardrobe malfunction were part of my repertoire, or so I was told by my buddy Talon.  I have no doubt in my mind that he was encouraging me all along, but I can’t really remember enough to say one way or the other.  I just need to be wary that I didn’t draw too much attention to myself. 

Well it’s been a long night and I am sitting here dozing off, so I think it’s time I sign off for now.  As uneventful as the last couple of months has been, there certainly are a lot of things to talk about.  But first, sleep.